[AccessD] More Strange Autonumber Behavior - Access 2002 (aka Access XP)

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Jan 6 06:41:44 CST 2006

Hi Branthon

In Access 2.0 you cannot specify the AutoNumber/Counter to anything else than its native size (Long).


>>> RRANTHON at sentara.com 06-01-2006 13:25 >>>
You would force me to look it up.  Access2.0.  And in more than one instance.  ee-eefff

>>> Lambert.Heenan at aig.com 01/05/06 4:37 PM >>>
In every version of Acces that I have used AutoNumber fields can be either Long Integers or Replication IDs. How could you have set one to an Integer?

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