[AccessD] email validation

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Sun Jan 8 15:12:35 CST 2006

Here is some vb code to validate email addresses subject to a free daily 
limit or paid for
via smtp mail server authentication at www.internetfrog.com


Gustav Brock wrote:

>Hi Jim
>Here's another pattern:
>which claims to have a proven record (browse to 2004-04-28, 7:48 pm):
>However, it fails for me - and I don't have the need to debug it.
>Note that addresses may have a subdomain like:
>  submit.ry8JtxnVhqqmpAFS at spam.spamcop.net
>>>>martyconnelly at shaw.ca 07-01-2006 07:35 >>>
>There is quite a range of vaild email addresses including the old X400 types
>Mastering Regular Expressions.  Is the best Owl book for regexp
> The book ends with an example regular expression to match
>an email address.  Its a 16,000+ byte regular expression.  Just shows
>the scope of such a match when you want to get an email address "from
>the wild".
>This should verify or catch about 90-95% using regexp
> Function testEmail(strEmail As String) As Boolean
> If IsEmail(strEmail) Then
> ' email address ok
>  Debug.Print "OK"
>  testEmail = True
> Else
> ' email address not ok
>  Debug.Print "False"
> End If
> End Function
> Function IsEmail(strText as String)
> 'Need to Set reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 
>'or set for 5.6
> Dim regEx as Object
> Set regEx = New RegExp
> regEx.Pattern = "^[\w\-\._]+@[\w\-]{2,}(\.[\w\-]{2,})+$"
> 'or               "^([\w-_]+\.)*[\w-_]+\@ ([\w-_]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$"
> regEx.ignoreCase = True
> regEx.Global = True
> IsEmail = regEx.Test(strText)
> End Function
>Jim Moss wrote:
>>Does anyone have a good email validation module that they would be willing to share?

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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