Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Fri Jan 13 09:46:11 CST 2006
Hi Reuben It's the short filename. You may convert to and from the short and long filename: <code> ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Declarations for GetShortFileName. Private Declare Function GetLongPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetLongPathNameA" ( _ ByVal lpszShortPath As String, _ ByVal lpszLongPath As String, _ ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetShortPathNameA" ( _ ByVal lpszLongPath As String, _ ByVal lpszShortPath As String, _ ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Public Function GetShortFileName(ByVal FullPath As String) As String 'PURPOSE: Returns DOS File Name (8.3 Format) Give 'FullPath for long file name 'PARAMETERS: FullPath: Full Path of Original File 'RETURNS: 8.3 FileName, or "" if FullPath doesn't ' exist or file fails for other reasons 'EXAMPLE: 'Debug.Print _ ' GetShortFileName("C:\My Documents\My Very Long File Name.doc") 'If file exists, will display C:\MYDOCU~1\MYVERY~1.DOC 'in the debug window Dim lAns As Long Dim sAns As String Dim iLen As Integer On Error Resume Next 'this function doesn't work if the file doesn't exist '''If Dir(FullPath) = "" Then Exit Function sAns = Space(255) lAns = GetShortPathName(FullPath, sAns, 255) GetShortFileName = Left(sAns, lAns) End Function Public Function GetLongFileName(ByVal FullPath As String) As String 'PURPOSE: ' Returns FullPath for short file name (8.3 Format) ' Give long File Name 'PARAMETERS: FullPath: Full Path of Original File 'RETURNS: FileName, or "" if FullPath doesn't ' exist or file fails for other reasons 'EXAMPLE: 'Debug.Print _ ' GetShortFileName("C:\My Documents\My Very Long File Name.doc") 'If file exists, will display C:\MYDOCU~1\MYVERY~1.DOC 'in the debug window Dim lAns As Long Dim sAns As String Dim iLen As Integer On Error Resume Next 'this function doesn't work if the file doesn't exist '''If Dir(FullPath) = "" Then Exit Function sAns = Space(255) lAns = GetLongPathName(FullPath, sAns, 255) GetLongFileName = Left(sAns, lAns) End Function </code> /gustav >>> reuben at 13-01-2006 16:25 >>> I have a feature that allows a user to zip the data file or zip it and FTP it to my web server. It has worked flawlessly until now...the reason is that the file name that the zip file got saved to was not what it's supposed to be. I need help figuring out why the file name was incorrect. The data file (in this case) is named chrttable.mdb I append some data from the app to create a unique file name. The name ends up being The client's system produced a zip file named Why is the name trucnated and changed to Thanks. Reuben Cummings GFC, LLC 812.523.1017