[AccessD] My form has a little problem

William Hindman wdhindman at bellsouth.net
Wed Jan 18 18:10:22 CST 2006

...sounds more like a problem with the table or query on which the combo is 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tina Norris Fields" <tinanfields at torchlake.com>
To: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: [AccessD] My form has a little problem

> Hi all,
> I have a form for either creating a new student profile, or editing an
> existing one.  To create a new profile, the user clicks a button that
> opens the student information form in add mode.  To edit an existing
> profile, the user selects the student's name from an unbound combo box,
> and then clicks the button to open the student information form for that
> student in edit mode.
> When I first made this little form, it all worked well, but it no longer
> works just right.  If I select a student's name from the combo box, and
> I try to click the button to open the student information fomr, the
> button does not get the focus - it does not respond.  If I wait around
> for a while, eventually the button will let me click it.  If I tab out
> of the combo box, the focus will shift to the the buttons in their
> established tab sequence.
> I remember there have been heated discussions on this list about unbound
> controls.  I am ready to learn - do I have a problem because I'm using
> an unbound control?
> This is what my button does when I can get it clicked:
> ==========
> Private Sub cmdEditExistingStudentProfile_Click()
> On Error GoTo Err_cmdEditExistingStudentProfile_Click
>    Dim stDocName As String
>    Dim stLinkCriteria As String
>    stDocName = "frmStudentInformation"
>    stLinkCriteria = "[StuID]=" & Me![cboFindStudent]
>    DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
> Exit_cmdEditExistingStudentProfile_Click:
>    Exit Sub
> Err_cmdEditExistingStudentProfile_Click:
>    MsgBox Err.Description
>    Resume Exit_cmdEditExistingStudentProfile_Click
> End Sub
> ===========
> Should I be adding an After Update event procedure to my unbound combo
> box - to set the focus on the button to get the student information form?
> Thanks for whatever lessons you will send my way.
> Tina
> -- 
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