[AccessD] Syntax for seeing named range in excel

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sat Jan 21 07:26:02 CST 2006

Hi Lambert

I've found that you don't need Select for anything else than if the worksheet operates in interactive mode and you wish to display a range for the user. 
Select exists in much code as it is what you get when you use the macro recorder for creating what you may call rough code.

Thus, you can reduce your central code lines like this:

        rng = Range(sRegionStart).Address
        xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add sRangeName, "=" & sSheetName & "!" & rng

Can you specify the range including the $ signs, like:


you don't even need Range:

        xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add sRangeName, "=" & sSheetName & "!" & sRegionStart


>>> Lambert.Heenan at AIG.com 20-01-2006 22:22:23 >>>
Here's an example of creating named ranges....

Sub Excel_CreateNamedRange(sPath As String, sRangeName As String,  _  
	sSheetName As String, Optional sRegionStart As String = "A1")
' Creates a named range (sRangeName) in the given spreadsheet (sPath)
' on the given worksheet (sSheetName).
' The region of data to include in the named range includes the cell address
in sRegionStart
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application

    Dim rng As String
    'Check to see if the file name passed in to
    'the procedure is valid
    If Not FileExists(sPath) Then '
        MsgBox sPath & " isn't a valid path!"
        Exit Sub
        Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
        'xlApp.Visible = True
        xlApp.Workbooks.Open sPath
        rng = xlApp.Selection.CurrentRegion.Address

        xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add sRangeName, "=" & sSheetName & "!" &
    End If
    Excel_CloseWorkBook xlApp, True
    Set xlApp = Nothing
End Sub

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