Doug Murphy
dw-murphy at
Tue Jan 24 12:23:26 CST 2006
Hello Erwin, I was not aware of RTF being dropped. I thought there was some pretty stiff resistance to using html formated e-mail. I tried a quick test using a simple html document and sendobject but the page just came through as text with the html tags in it. How do you automate sending of html formated e-mail? I'd like for the client to be able to see the message in Outlook before it is sent so they can personalize it. The test I did with using automation used the following code. As I said the formating of the text stayed as it should but the logo image that started out at the top of the template ended up at the bottom of the e-mail. Any suggestions? Private Sub cmdSend_Click() Dim oOut As Outlook.Application Dim Item As MailItem On Error GoTo cmdSend_Click_Error Set oOut = New Outlook.Application Set Item = oOut.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Documents and Settings\Doug\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\SampleVideo2.oft") With Item .To = "dw-murphy at" .Subject = "New Video" .Body = Replace(.Body, "<NAME>", Nz(Me.txtName, "")) .Body = Replace(.Body, "<DATE>", Date) .Body = Replace(.Body, "<ADDRESS>", Nz(Me.txtStreet, "")) .Body = Replace(.Body, "<CITY_STATE_ZIP>", Nz(Me.txtCSZ, "")) .Body = Replace(.Body, "<FIRSTNAME>", Nz(Me.txtFirst, "")) .Send End With cmdSend_Click_Exit: On Error GoTo 0 Set Item = Nothing Set oOut = Nothing Exit Sub Doug