[AccessD] OT - Acessing File DSN Coonection String Using VB6

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Jan 25 16:32:05 CST 2006

On 25 Jan 2006 at 11:35, MartyConnelly wrote:

> Any easy way to get the connection string if you know the DSN
> Open an empty file in notepad then immediately save with a name MyDSN.udl
> then double click on MyDSN.udl in explorer This will bring up the Data Link
> Properties  essentialy one of the control applets Select the Connections Tab
> select 1. use data source names and from the combobox select the DSN Now
> click OK Now reopen MyDSN.udl in notepad and you will see the saved
> connection string. This file is actually binary not text format

No, it's another plain text file, just like a File DSN except that it 
stores the complete connection string in one line which is semi-colon 
delimited rather than as one value per line.  So it's harder to 
parse/manipulate that a File DSN, but easier to grab the complete 


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