[AccessD] OT: The Sleep Advisor

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Fri Jul 14 10:01:13 CDT 2006

Dear List:

Sorry for the OT.

During the beta testing phase of The Sleep Advisor many of you were good 
enough to volunteer as beta testers.

Now we have an opportunity to pitch the product to a company which 
produces infomercials.  It's a long shot but, who knows?  Maybe they'll 
pick it up. 

We have been advised that the most valuable aspect of the infomercial is 
testimonials from users.  So 

IF you have used The Sleep Advisor


it improved your sleep


you would be willing to give a testimonial,

please reply to me off line.

Thanks and regards,


Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

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