[AccessD] A2000:Make Visible based on the looped integer returned

Darren DICK darrend at nimble.com.au
Mon Jun 5 09:21:33 CDT 2006

Hi All
Can't quite get the syntax right on this one
I am looping through an SQL statement
The Statement produces sequential numbers (as integers) 1,2,3,4,5 etc
 rs!ProfileID will = 1 on the first loop
 rs!ProfileID will = 2 on the second loop etc etc until EoF
So far so good...
Based on those numbers I wanna loop thought the recordset  the number of times
the dot recordcount allows 
and I want to make controls on the form - that end with the looped Recordset
integer - visible or not
Code above and below my air code works fine - all the declarations are OK
Air Code.....
dim strControlName as string
        For intX = 1 To rs.RecordCount
            strControlName = "txtProfile" &  intX.
            Me(strControlName).Visible = True
        Next intX
Anyone know what the correct syntax for the air code is??
Many thanks

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