Lavsa, Rich
Rich_Lavsa at
Wed Jun 21 09:18:25 CDT 2006
Hello all, I have an application where I created for example a table that holds names and some details of instructors. I also have an Active field Y or N. The combobox will only display instructors who are marked with Y. Yet this will allow you to maintain all your reporting for historical data. The issue that comes into play when in the entry form, for a particular employee that took training, in looking at the detail records of their training, if they happened to take a class/session that was taught by an instructor that isn't active any longer there isn't any Name displayed in the form because the combobox will not retrieve this information. Does anyone have a solution for this? I in the past I have put 2 combobox's side by side and shrunk the one down so that only the button is displayed which is then placed directly over the full size combobox button. The shrunken button has the criteria in it to only retrieve the Y's, however the full size combo can retrieve everything, so on the screen everything looks ok and seems to function ok. This approach doubles the combobox's, and doubles the maintenance if anything changes in the lookup tables. Hoping someone has a better way to handle this situation. Thanks in advance for any tips/tricks/ideas... Rich