[AccessD] Advanced Unbound Form With Classes and Collections Part 4

DWUTKA at marlow.com DWUTKA at marlow.com
Tue Jun 27 14:21:38 CDT 2006

Our custom collection contains all of the people in our database,
represented individually by the Person class.  However, our Person class can
do things on it's own, that our People class should be aware of.  For
example, you can change, add or delete a user with just the Person class,
yet the People is not aware of that.  So let's fix that.


First of all, the purpose of doing this is so that everything using the
People class is aware of changes to the Person(s) it contains.  We are going
to create a custom event for our People class.  An event is the other part
of the 'definition' of VB/VBA.  VB/VBA is an event driven Object Oriented
Programming language.  Event Driven.  Everything that occurs in our projects
is driven by events.  A user clicks a button (OnClick event), a user opens a
form (OnLoad/OnOpen).  Pre-existing classes (forms, reports, controls) have
events, it's time we utilize the same functionality.  To keep our project
'synchronized' we need to create an event in our People class to let
everyone know that something has changed with the Person(s) it contains.


Let's define our event.  In the declarations section of our People class (at
the top), let's put:


Event PeopleUpdated()


Now, where do we 'raise' this event. Raising event means that the running
code fires off the event, and any class that has 'sunk' that event will be
triggered.  We want to raise it where it makes sense to do so.  In our
People class, we build our internal collections with the GetPeople sub.
Let's raise our event at the end of that.  So before the End Sub line, put:


RaiseEvent PeoplUpdated


(Note that PeopleUpdated came up with Intellisense after we typed


Now we need to have the Person class let the People class know when one of
them has changed.  There are a few ways to do this.  There have been many
discussions, some heated, on the list about Global Variables.  We are going
to use a global variable, but if you would like more information on how to
do this in other methods, feel free to search through the list archives.
Again, this is a demo, and I am just trying to demonstrate functionality.  I
personally use Global Variables in cases like this, but other developers use
other methods for other reasons.  So create a new module, and call it
modGlobalVariables.  In the declarations put:


Dim demoPeopleClass As People


Save the module.  To make the Person class interact with our global People
class, we could either reference the global each time, or we could create a
local reference to the global class.  We are going to use the local
reference.  We are going to do so, because right now the only event we have
doesn't affect the individual Person(s), we may add other events, so we
might as declare a reference withevents.  So in our Person class, we are
going to add the following line in the Declarations:


Dim WithEvents PeopleClass As People


When do we need to alert the global People class?  And how do we do that?
Well, we need to alert it when either the Save or Delete procedures have
run.  To alert it, let's create a function in our People Class:


Friend Function APersonHasBeenChanged()


End Function


Now, in our Person class, at the end of the Delete and Save procedures,
let's add:




With the changes we have made, we now need to modify our frmPeople form, so
that it deals with the global People class, and is aware of what is
happening.  We'll do this in the next part.



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