Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Fri Jun 2 10:25:28 CDT 2006
Hi Larry We use both, or rather: a decimal duration, a start time, and a stop time - which match and update each other, quite fancy. Format of time fields is hh:nn, and InputMask is 90:00,1,0 - and a lot of code to allow for navigation and clicking inside the time fields and filtering for invalid keytypings. It takes a lot of testing but users like it. /gustav >>> lmrazek at 02-06-2006 16:48:24 >>> Hi Folks: I have an app that tracks time spent on various activities (production, cleaning, etc.). I'd appreciate some opinions on the best ways to record the time spent. Basically, we're looking at hours and minutes spent, usually something like four hours, 15 minutes. I considered having the app record the time as: 4.25 (4 hrs 15 minutes), but this approach seems to confuse some of the users. Another approach would be to use two text boxes to collect hours and minutes, then convert and store the data as minutes. (I could use a display format to convert the minutes into something like: 4:15). Any ideas on best practices for storing this type of data? Thanks in advance! Larry Mrazek LCM Research, Inc. lmrazek at ph. 314.432.5886 fx. 314.432.3304