[AccessD] interesting problem with double lines stored insinglefield

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Jun 8 23:13:13 CDT 2006

On 8 Jun 2006 at 23:30, Susan Harkins wrote:

> I can't find this property. 
> Also, I'm concatenating field values to display in a list box. 

Donchajust love it when users tell you what they think is the problem instead of describing 
the symptoms so that you can identify the real problem. :-)

The problem is not that "Three of the records return just the Address value", it is that the row 
height of a list box is not adjustable. It is set at the height of a character in the  current 

To display all of the data in a listbox's single line, you need something strip out the vbCRLF:

FullAddress: Replace([Address] & ", " & [City] & " " & [PostalCode], chr$(13) & chr$(10),", ")

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