adtp at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 13 13:42:27 CDT 2006
William, Apart from Null values, it would also be desirable to cater to following type of contents for field ExhProducts in table tblSHOWDir, each of which should get translated to test1 in field txtExhProdCat in tabletblExhibitorProducts test1 \test1 \test1\ Modified sub-routine given below should cover all such contingencies, including Null values. Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal --------------- ======================================== Sub ParseProductCategories() Dim db As dao.Database Dim rst1 As dao.Recordset, rst2 As dao.Recordset Dim Rtv As Variant, Cnt As Long Set db = CurrentDb Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblSHOWDIR") Set rst2 = db.OpenRecordset("tblExhibitorProducts") rst1.MoveFirst Do While Not rst1.EOF If Len(rst1!ExhProducts) > 0 Then Rtv = Split(rst1!ExhProducts, "\") For Cnt = 0 To UBound(Rtv) If Len(Rtv(Cnt)) > 0 Then rst2.AddNew rst2!EMSID = rst1!EMSID rst2!txtExhProdCat = Rtv(Cnt) rst2.Update End If Next Else rst2.AddNew rst2!EMSID = rst1!EMSID rst2.Update End If rst1.MoveNext Loop rst1.Close rst2.Close Set rst1 = Nothing Set rst1 = Nothing Set db = Nothing End Sub ======================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: William Hindman To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 22:21 Subject: [AccessD] Parsing NULL values ...given A2003 DAO ...given tblSHOWDir with 2 fields: EMSID and ExhProducts sample data 1234567890 test1\test2\test3\test4\ 2345678901 test1\test2\test3\test4/erk\ 3456789012 4567890123 test1\test2\test3\ ...given tblExhibitorProducts with 2 fields: EMSID and txtExhProdCat desired data 1234567890 test1 1234567890 test2 1234567890 test3 1234567890 test4 2345678901 test1 2345678901 test2 2345678901 test3 2345678901 test4/erk 3456789012 4567890123 test1 4567890123 test2 4567890123 test3 4567890123 test3 ...the below function parses tblSHOWDIR into tblExhibitorProducts correctly EXCEPT when field ExhProducts is blank Sub ParseProductCategories() Dim db As Database Dim rst1 As Recordset Dim rst2 As Recordset Dim txtField1 As Long Dim txtField2 As String Set db = CurrentDb Set rst1 = db.OpenRecordset("tblSHOWDIR") Set rst2 = db.OpenRecordset("tblExhibitorProducts") rst1.MoveFirst Do While Not rst1.EOF txtField1 = rst1!EMSID txtField2 = Mid(rst1!ExhProducts, InStr(rst1!ExhProducts, "\") + 1) rst2.AddNew rst2!EMSID = txtField1 rst2!txtExhProdCat = Left(rst1!ExhProducts, InStr(rst1!ExhProducts, "\") - 1) rst2.Update Do Until InStr(txtField2, "\") < 1 rst2.AddNew rst2!EMSID = txtField1 rst2!txtExhProdCat = Left(txtField2, InStr(txtField2, "\") - 1) rst2.Update txtField2 = Mid(txtField2, InStr(txtField2, "\") + 1) Loop rst1.MoveNext Loop End Sub ...how do I handle the "" or nulls? William