Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Tue Jun 20 02:10:17 CDT 2006
Hi William As far as I know, Lotus Notes does have a MAPI interface but it may not be installed ... again JC is in the hands of the notwork admin: I've never programmed anything to use MAPI. It may be a little long-winded, why else should Stuart have made his MAPI send util? Perhaps Stuart could educate us? Could you util be simulated by VBA code to avoid the dependance of the dll? /gustav >>> wdhindman at 19-06-2006 16:58:28 >>> Gustav ...afaik, and it isn't very far, MAPI is the closest thing to a universal e-mail protocol available ...if the client has e-mail capability installed, most (not all ala Lotus) modern e-mail clients respond to MAPI without further intervention on my part ...and I can send from vba without the user being involved except as I want them to be ...I don't have to know what the client is nor anything about it except that its MAPI compliant ...SMTP otoh always requires some sort of client configuration. ...but like you said, it really depends on the user environment ...while MAPI will work in probably 90% or better of user systems, there are always going to be those running Lotus Notes or some other non-standard e-mail client ...thus JC's search for a one-size-fits-all solution is, imnsho, going to wind up with a one size fits most. William