adtp at airtelbroadband.in
Wed Jun 21 14:03:08 CDT 2006
Martin, Sample query given below should get you the desired label strings for each distinct four digit identifier prefix. It makes use of function Fn_GetLabel() given below. DataString is the name of field holding comma separated raw data in table T_Data. Best wishes, A.D.Tejpal --------------- Select Query ===================================== SELECT Left([DataString],4) AS PreFix, Fn_GetLabel(Left([DataString],4)) AS LabelString FROM T_Data GROUP BY Left([DataString],4); ===================================== User Defined Function ===================================== Function Fn_GetLabel(ByVal IdString As String) As String On Error Resume Next Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim Txt As String, Qst As String, Rtv As Variant Txt = "" ' Default Qst = "SELECT * FROM T_Data " & _ "Where Left(DataString, 4) = '" & _ IdString & "';" Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Qst) Do While Not rst.EOF Rtv = Split(rst.Fields("DataString"), ",") Txt = Txt & IIf(Len(Txt) > 0, ",", "") & Rtv(1) rst.MoveNext Loop Txt = IdString & "," & Txt & "," & Rtv(2) Fn_GetLabel = Txt rst.Close Set rst = Nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Function ===================================== ----- Original Message ----- From: Martin Reid To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 19:40 Subject: [AccessD] Mailing Labels Given the following data 1234,Name,Address 1234,Name,Address 1234,Name,Address 1234,Name,Address 2345, Name Address 2345,Name Address I need to get one mailing label produced 1234, Name1, Name2,Name3,Name4 Address 2345,Name1,Name2 Address Etc So I can have multiple people at the same address. I need the name line to include all the names but only produce 1 label per address. Martin Martin WP Reid Training and Assessment Unit Riddle Hall Belfast tel: 02890 974477