[AccessD] Printing a word document from Access

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Tue Jun 27 18:08:25 CDT 2006

You don't need the newDoc  object try something like

 Set AppObject = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    AppObject.DisplayAlerts = False
    '**** In the following line, if the file is already open we get an 
error ****
    AppObject.Documents.Open MyFilePath, False, True
   AppObject.Visible = False
'lots of options available here
   AppObject.PrintOut _
        Background:=False, _

rusty.hammond at cpiqpc.com wrote:

>Using Access 97 and Word 2000, I simply want to open a word or rich text
>format (.rtf) file and print it.  If someone already has the file open, Word
>pops up a dialog saying the file is locked for editing and I have to choose
>to open it Read-Only, Notify me when it is closed or Cancel the request.  If
>I click on the Read Only button the file is opened and printed and I'm on my
>merry way, BUT I need the printing to be automated.  Is there a way to
>suppress this prompt?  I'm already telling word to open the document read
>only but it doesn't help - any ideas?
>Sample code follows:
>Function PrintWordDoc()
>    Dim AppObject As Object
>    Dim NewDoc As Object
>    Set AppObject = CreateObject("Word.Application")
>    AppObject.DisplayAlerts = False
>    '**** In the following line, if the file is already open we get an error
>    Set NewDoc = AppObject.Documents.Open("c:\logs\rptNewCash.rtf", False,
>    NewDoc.PrintOut False
>    NewDoc.Close
>    AppObject.Quit
>    Set AppObject = Nothing
>End Function
>Rusty Hammond
>IT Dept. - B-20
>CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc.
>(620) 793-8473 ext. 416
>rusty.hammond at cpiqpc.com
>WARNING: All e-mail sent to and from this address will be received,
>scanned or otherwise recorded by the CPI Qualified Plan Consultants, Inc.
>corporate e-mail system and is subject to archival, monitoring or review 
>by, and/or disclosure to, someone other than the recipient.

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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