martyconnelly at
Thu Jun 29 13:13:54 CDT 2006
Some of those character strings returned by UserRoster are of C Type zero length and you have to step through chararacter by character and handle nulls yourself Here is an example I wrote years ago in 97 using ADO maybe it helps or gives hints. There is also code to give ISAM stats basic guts How to determine what users are connected to your Access database and the machine name that it is connected to. This uses the Jet OLE DB Provider Defined Schema Rowsets Constants Global Const JET_SCHEMA_USERROSTER = "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf- 00c04fb92675}" This avoids having to install the Msldbusr.dll provided with the ldbviewer. Although you will need at least MDAC ADO 2.5 installed to use this method. For ldbviewer see: Why do you need this? Often users will leave a database open and you will need to shut it down for maintenance, this will tell you which terminal or PC has it open as well as the User name. You won't have to wander from office to office to see which terminal has been left with the database open. It will also tell who's terminal has powered down with database open. ' Constants ' 'The Microsoft Jet Provider defines a number of GUIDs 'and property values that are for provider-specific features 'and properties. Because they are provider-specific values, 'ADO does not expose them in enumeration values or constants ' for further info see: ' ' 'Remember to set reference to MS ADO 2.5 or higher ' Jet OLE DB Provider Defined Schema Rowsets Constants Global Const JET_SCHEMA_USERROSTER = _ "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}" Global Const JET_SCHEMA_ISAMSTATS = _ "{8703b612-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}" ' Microsoft Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode property values Global Const JET_DATABASELOCKMODE_PAGE = 0 Global Const JET_DATABASELOCKMODE_ROW = 1 'Remember to set reference to MS ADO 2.5 or higher ' sample calls ' 'ADOUserRoster "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb" 'ADOUserStats "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Northwind.mdb" Function ADOUserRoster(strAccessMDBName As String) As String Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim varGetString As Variant ' Use before ADO calls On Error GoTo AdoError ' Open the connection cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & strAccessMDBName & ";" ' Open the user roster schema rowset Set rst = cnn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, , _ JET_SCHEMA_USERROSTER) ' Print the results to the debug window 'Column Description 'COMPUTER_NAME The name of the workstation as specified using ' the Network icon in Control Panel. 'LOGIN_NAME The name of the user used to log on to the database ' if the database has been secured; otherwise, ' the default value will be Admin. 'CONNECTED True, if there is a corresponding user lock ' in the .ldb file. 'SUSPECTED_STATE True, if the user has left the database ' in a suspect state; otherwise, Null. Debug.Print "Computer Name Login Name" & _ " Connected Suspected State" 'can only grab once 'Use all defaults: get all rows, TAB column delimiter, CARRIAGE RETURN 'row delimiter, empty-string null delimiter varGetString = rst.GetString(adClipString, , ",", ";", "?") 'computer name string has a couple of nulls in so remove Dim ab() As Byte Dim i As Long Dim lstrlen As Long lstrlen = (Len(varGetString) - 1) * 2 ab = varGetString For i = 0 To lstrlen Step 2 Debug.Print Chr(ab(i)); ab(i); i If ab(i) = 0 Then ab(i) = 32 End If Next i ' Format string for text box varGetString = ab varGetString = Replace(varGetString, ",0,", ", False ,") varGetString = Replace(varGetString, ",-1,", ", True ,") varGetString = Replace(varGetString, ",?", ", ?? ,") varGetString = Replace(varGetString, ",", " ") varGetString = Replace(varGetString, ";", vbCrLf) Debug.Print varGetString ADOUserRoster = "Computer Name Login Name" & _ " Connected Suspected State" & vbCrLf & _ varGetString cnn.close Set cnn = Nothing Exit Function ' ADO Error/Exception Handler AdoError: Dim ErrNumber As Long Dim ErrSource As String Dim ErrDescription As String ErrNumber = Err.Number ErrSource = Err.Source ErrDescription = Err.Description AdoErrorExpanded cnn cnn.close Set cnn = Nothing 'where Cnn is Connection Object End Function Function ADOUserStats(strAccessMDBName As String) As String ' Grab Isam Statistics at call time ' Write up in Microsoft Jet Dabase Programmer's Guide ' similar to ISAMStats function ' IsamStats(StatNum as Long,Reset as Boolean) Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset Dim strLine As String Dim i As Integer Dim strLargeLine As String ' Use before ADO calls On Error GoTo AdoError ' Open the connection cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & strAccessMDBName & ";" ' Open the user roster schema rowset Set rst = cnn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, , _ JET_SCHEMA_ISAMSTATS) ' Print the ISAM Stats results to the debug window Debug.Print "ISAM Stats" strLargeLine = "ISAM Stats" & vbCrLf Debug.Print rst.GetString With rst .MoveFirst Do While Not .EOF strLine = "" With .Fields Debug.Print "Count=" & .Count For i = 0 To .Count - 1 strLine = strLine & .Item(i).Name & ":" & _ .Item(i).Value & vbCrLf Next Debug.Print strLine strLargeLine = strLargeLine & strLine & vbCrLf End With .MoveNext Loop End With ADOUserStats = strLargeLine cnn.close Set cnn = Nothing Exit Function ' ADO Error/Exception Handler AdoError: Dim ErrNumber As Long Dim ErrSource As String Dim ErrDescription As String ErrNumber = Err.Number ErrSource = Err.Source ErrDescription = Err.Description AdoErrorExpanded cnn cnn.close 'where Cnn is Connection Object End Function Sub AdoErrorExpanded(Conn1 As ADODB.Connection) ' ADO Error/Exception Handler Expanded Dim Errs1 As ADODB.Errors Dim errLoop As ADODB.Error Dim i As Long Dim strMsgErr As String i = 1 On Error Resume Next ' For any error condition, show results in debug ' Enumerate Errors collection and display properties ' of each Error object. Set Errs1 = Conn1.Errors For Each errLoop In Errs1 With errLoop Debug.Print " Error #" & i & ":" Debug.Print " ADO Error #" & .Number Debug.Print " Description " & .Description Debug.Print " Source " & .Source Debug.Print " HelpFile " & .HelpFile Debug.Print " HelpContext " & .HelpContext Debug.Print " NativeError " & .NativeError Debug.Print " SQLState " & .SQLState strMsgErr = " Error #" & i & ":" strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " ADO Error #" & .Number strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " Description " & .Description strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " Source " & .Source strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " HelpFile " & .HelpFile strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " HelpContext " & .HelpContext strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " NativeError " & .NativeError strMsgErr = strMsgErr & vbCrLf & " SQLState " & .SQLState MsgBox strMsgErr i = i + 1 End With Next With Conn1 Debug.Print "ADO Version: " & .Version & vbCrLf & _ "DBMS Name: " & .Properties("DBMS Name") & vbCrLf & _ "DBMS Version: " & .Properties("DBMS Version") & vbCrLf & _ "OLE DB Version: " & .Properties("OLE DB Version") & vbCrLf & _ "Provider Name: " & .Properties("Provider Name") & vbCrLf & _ "Provider Version: " & .Properties("Provider Version") & vbCrLf Debug.Print "ADO Version: " & .Version & vbCrLf & _ "DBMS Name: " & .Properties("DBMS Name") & vbCrLf & _ "DBMS Version: " & .Properties("DBMS Version") & vbCrLf & _ "OLE DB Version: " & .Properties("OLE DB Version") & vbCrLf & _ "Provider Name: " & .Properties("Provider Name") & vbCrLf & _ "Provider Version: " & .Properties("Provider Version") & vbCrLf & _ "Driver Name: " & .Properties("Driver Name") & vbCrLf & _ "Driver Version: " & .Properties("Driver Version") & vbCrLf & _ "Driver ODBC Version: " & .Properties("Driver ODBC Version") End With End Sub -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada