Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Wed Mar 1 03:17:13 CST 2006
Hi Marty I doubt very much the GetRows() method will be faster as you will read in the full recordset while I only open the recordset, count records and move to one or two records. The SQL method is quite convoluted even for the simple Median, for Quartiles it will get much worse: not to say if you will not calculate on the full table but only a part of it. If having large recordset and true speed is a must, I guess you have to move to a server engine and stored procedures or OLAP. /gustav >>> martyconnelly at 01-03-2006 00:18 >>> This code has excel limits, arrays limited to 64K but maybe the initial part using getrows on a recordset and moving the field into another array might help you or maybe faster. Don Celko had an SQL percentile method in "SQL for Smarties" but even he suggested using SAS or SPSS for large datasets or using OLAP. Function TestRecordset() Dim strConnect As String Dim arRs As Variant Dim strsql As String strsql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Format([ShippedDate],""yyyy""),[Order Subtotals].Subtotal, Orders.OrderID " & _ "FROM Orders INNER JOIN [Order Subtotals] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Subtotals].OrderID " & _ "WHERE (Orders.ShippedDate Is Not Null);" Debug.Print strsql strConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Samples\Copy of Northwind.mdb"";" Dim objCnn As Object Dim objRs As Object Set objCnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objCnn.Open strConnect Set objRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") objRs.Open strsql, objCnn If objRs.EOF = False Then arRs = objRs.GetRows Else arRs = "no results" End If Dim arRsT() As Double Dim myubnd As Long Dim mylbnd As Long myubnd = UBound(arRs, 2) mylbnd = LBound(arRs, 2) ReDim arRsT(mylbnd To myubnd) 'Excel arrays get confused unless this done ' with passed arrays and limits of 64K Dim i As Long 'stuff sql query field "subtotal" into a new array For i = 0 To UBound(arRs, 2) arRsT(i) = arRs(1, i) Next i Debug.Print Pctile(arRsT, 0.75) Debug.Print "1st quartile=" & quartile(arRsT, 1) Debug.Print "2nd quartile=" & quartile(arRsT, 2) Debug.Print "3'd quartile=" & quartile(arRsT, 3) Debug.Print "min " & quartile(arRsT, 0) Debug.Print "max " & quartile(arRsT, 4) Debug.Print "95% percentile " & Pctile(arRsT, 0.95) objRs.Close Set objRs = Nothing objCnn.Close Set objCnn = Nothing TestRecordset = arRs End Function Function Pctile(data, pct) As Double Dim objExcel As Object Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Pctile = objExcel.Application.percentile(data, pct) objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = Nothing End Function Function quartile(data, pct As Long) As Double Dim objExcel As Object Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") quartile = objExcel.Application.quartile(data, pct) objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = Nothing End Function