Gina Hoopes
hoopesg at
Tue Mar 7 11:12:48 CST 2006
A co-worker has asked for my help and I'm stumped. Perhaps one or more of you can help me figure out how he can accomplish what he needs. The way his table is laid out is the main problem, but it serves him in all of the other ways he reports on the data. He's got the following fields: StmtType, Category, and 36 fields with numbers (JanYTD, JanLYB, JanCYB for all 12 months). The StmtType field has the primary designation (VUH, PHV, VCH) and the Category field has the secondary designation (Admissions, Discharges, Patient Days, Inpatient Revenue, Outpatient Revenue). So for each primary designation he has each of the secondary designations. So, a table row looks like VUH/Admissions/JanYTD/JanLYB/JanCYB/... then VUH/Discharges/JanYTD/JanLYB/JanCYB ... I hope that makes sense since I don't know how to represent it graphically with plain text. Now here's what he needs: (VUH Inpatient Revenue JanYTD + VUH Outpatient Revenue JAN YTD) divided by VUH Inpatient Revenue Jan YTD = X - (X is his ratio) X times VUH Patient Days Jan YTD X times VUH Admissions Jan YTD X times VUH Discharges Jan YTD The calculations have to take place for each of the 36 values. I would be fairly simple for him to accomplish with queries if there were only a couple of values but with 36 columns for each primary/secondary combination it's way too cumbersome to accomplish that way. Can anyone help me figure out if he can get from here to there? Thanks so much, Gina