John Colby
jwcolby at
Thu Mar 9 12:54:30 CST 2006
Can someone give me an overview of what this involves? Is the recordset then "disconnected"? How do you handle form/subforms? I have a specific application where the users have a bound form which pulls a set of records (people) that they will be making calls to. There is a bound subform where they enter the results of the call - about 5 or 6 fields, the user's ID, date/time, call status, note etc. They get a TON of locking issues with this. The user is almost exclusively ADDING new records into the call status table, though they do occasionally "correct" info in the person's record - address / phone etc. The issue though is that as soon as they try to create a NEW record in the call status subform, they get the infamous "another person has locked this record" which is particularly puzzling since they are not editing an existing record but rather adding a new record. I changed the note from Memo to String(255) to avoid "page locking" issues, deleted all of the indexes on the fields in the call status records etc but the issues still occur. My understanding is that Index data is also stored in pages so that there might be an issue with the page that an index is attempting to store it's data in as the record is created is locked by another user creating an index using that same page. Of course there is a relationship between the person and the call status so there is at least one index that simply cannot be even seen, never mind deleted, at least without removing the relationship. So I am trying to resolve this continuous nagging locking issue. I am even willing to go unbound, but they really want to be able to see the previous calls in the subform so that they can tell what went on in previous calls. I thought that if I could bind the main people form and the child call status forms to ADO recordsets, then the update (and subsequent locking issues) would be very momentary and the probability of a lock issue occurring would decrease dramatically. However I have never done the "ADO recordset binding" before. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? John W. Colby