[AccessD] Single vs. double issue...

Bobby Heid bheid at appdevgrp.com
Fri Mar 17 13:54:02 CST 2006


I always thought that the main difference between a single and a double was
that the single had 7 digits  and the double had 15 digits of precision
AFTER the decimal point.

Normally, I store decimal values as double.  But for some reason, this
particular field was set to single.  Our client found an issue with that
field today.  They had entered 666,656,666 into the field.  When you look at
the table, it is 666,656,600.

As a test, I changed the field to double, entered 666,656,666, and saved it.
The value stuck.  Then I changed it to single, got the smaller field size
warning, and saved it.  When I looked at the table, the value was

So, I think the issue is that I misunderstood what the precision meant in
the single vs. double declaration.  I wanted to be sure that this was the
issue before I just blindly convert them to doubles.  Am I correct?


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