[AccessD] Key Preview Problem

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Thu Mar 16 07:53:19 CST 2006


Well sometimes it's comforting just knowing you're not alone.  At least 
I'm not losing my mind. :-P


Penn White wrote:
> Just for fun (since I have a similar keydown event which has never worked 
> either), I messed around with it using Alt-Key combinations.  I used an "if 
> intAltDown then Select Case Keycode' structure.  Each case will fire one 
> time but then it stops.  So I can go from one tabbed page (pgXXX) to 
> another, to another, to another but after I've been to all the tabbed pages 
> once, it stops.  Also, once I've been to a tabbed page using the Alt-Key 
> combination for that tabbed page, it won't go there again unless I close the 
> form and start over.  I also tried me.setfocus, Forms!FormName.Form.SetFocus 
> and Me.KeyPreview=True (individually and in various combinations) at the end 
> of the procedure since the documentation says the form or control has to 
> have the focus for the KeyDown event to work and that didn't help.
> It's almost as if there is a buffer that's getting filled and won't empty 
> once you've used a KeyDown keystroke or keystroke combination.
> I did some research on MSDN and Google and found nothing helpful although 
> KeyDown and KeyPress event problems seem to have been around since before 
> ACC97.
> Penn 

Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

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