[AccessD] Outlook and Access

Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software bchacc at san.rr.com
Fri May 12 08:18:37 CDT 2006


Thanks for the code.  If he can compromise by having Access look at 
Outlook instead of having Outlook push stuff into Access this looks like 
it will do the job.  He could even put it into a timer event and check 
every five minutes instead of an on-click.



Kath Pelletti wrote:
> Rocky - I had a similiar requirement once and I used the following logic.
> 1. I made a subfolder of Inbox in Outlook and in my case called it 'Customer Inquiries'. 
> 2. Create a mail rule in Outlook which checks for the 6 digit code you are looking for and puts it into the subfolder you created in step 1.
> 3. The code I have pasted below comes from an app of mine which then uses an on-click event to read messages into a table in Access called TblOutlookMail from the Customer Inquiries folder in Outlook.  
> Hope this help - cheers
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Public Function ProcessMailMessagesInFolder()
> 'Adapted by K Pelletti from code from Helen Feddema 3-28-2002
> Dim strerrormsg As String
> On Error GoTo Err_Handler
>    Dim appOutlook As New Outlook.Application
>    Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
>    Dim fld As Outlook.MAPIFolder
>    Dim myfld As Outlook.MAPIFolder
>    Dim itm As Object
>    Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
>    Dim strMessage As String
>    Dim dbs As DAO.Database
>    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
>    Dim strsql As String
>    Dim prj As Object
>    Dim lngItemCount As Long
>    Dim IntFolderNo As Integer
>    Dim IntTotalNoFoldersInInbox As Integer
>    Dim IntNoMailItems As Integer
>    Dim BoolFolderFound As Boolean
>    BoolFolderFound = False
>     Set nms = appOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
>     Set fld = nms.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
>     IntFolderNo = 0
>     IntTotalNoFoldersInInbox = 0
>     IntNoMailItems = 0
>     IntTotalNoFoldersInInbox = fld.Folders.Count
>   '  MsgBox ("Inbox has: " & fld.Folders.Count & "subfolders.")
>     Do Until IntFolderNo = IntTotalNoFoldersInInbox    ' Inner loop.
>         IntFolderNo = IntFolderNo + 1
>         Set myfld = fld.Folders(IntFolderNo)
>         If myfld.Name = "Customer Inquiries" Then            'Rocky - put your subfolder Outlook name here
>             BoolFolderFound = True
>             IntNoMailItems = myfld.Items.Count
> '            MsgBox ("No messages is: " & IntNoMailItems)
>             Exit Do
>         End If
>     Loop
>     If BoolFolderFound = False Then
>         MsgBox ("Unable to find the Customer Inquiries Folder in Outlook." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "(The folder should be a subfolder of inbox.)"), , "Hudsons Database"
>         GoTo Normal_exit
>     End If
>     If myfld Is Nothing Then
>        GoTo Err_Handler
>     End If
>     Debug.Print "Folder default item type: " & myfld.DefaultItemType
>     If myfld.DefaultItemType <> olMailItem Then
>        MsgBox "Folder does not contain mail messages; Exiting", , "Importing Mail"
>        GoTo Normal_exit
>     End If
>     lngItemCount = myfld.Items.Count
>     '   Debug.Print "Number of messages in folder: " _
>     '      & lngItemCount
>     If lngItemCount = 0 Then
>         MsgBox ("There are no mail messages in the Customer Inquiries folder."), , "Hudsons Database"
>        GoTo Normal_exit
>     End If
>    'Process items in selected folder
>    strsql = "DELETE * FROM tblOutlookMail"
>    DoCmd.SetWarnings False
>    DoCmd.RunSQL strsql
>    Set dbs = CurrentDb
>    Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblOutlookMail")
>    For Each itm In myfld.Items
>       If itm.Class = olMail Then
>          Set msg = itm
>          With rst
>             .AddNew
>             !Subject = msg.Subject
>             !Body = msg.Body
>             !CC = msg.CC
>             !BCC = msg.BCC
>             !Sent = msg.SentOn
>             !FromName = msg.SenderName
>             .Update
>          End With
>       End If
>    Next itm
>    rst.Close
>    Set prj = Application.CurrentProject
>    If prj.AllForms("frmOutlookMail").IsLoaded = True Then
>       Forms("frmOutlookMail").Requery
>    Else
>       DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOutlookMail", , , , , acDialog
>    End If
>    'Forms("frmOutlookMail").SetFocus
> Normal_exit:
>   '  MsgBox ("No of new mail messages: " & IntNoMailItems), , "Mail Import"
>     Exit Function
> Err_Handler:
>     MsgBox "Error: [" & Err.Number & "]  " & IIf(Len(strerrormsg) > 0, strerrormsg, Err.Description), vbCritical, "Error Message"
>     hCursor = CursorID
>     RetVal = SetCursor(hCursor)
>     Resume Normal_exit
> End Function
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kath Pelletti
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Rocky Smolin - Beach Access Software 
>   To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving 
>   Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 3:21 PM
>   Subject: [AccessD] Outlook and Access
>   Dear list:
>   I have a request from a client to program something in Outlook but I 
>   have no idea where to start.  Quote:
>   "If an email comes in with a 6 digit (alphanumeric) code in the Subject 
>   line, Outlook would make a call to Access, passing along the code and 
>   then delete the email.  No code, email automatically deleted.  The call 
>   to access would cause the code to be looked up and a status report 
>   emailed to the client if the code is current. "
>   I suppose the receipt of any email would have to trigger this hunk of 
>   code. 
>   I've put a lot of code behind Excel sheets to push data into an Access 
>   database but never from Outlook.  Does anyone know of any code samples, 
>   snips, explanations, etc. that could get me started on this?
>   MTIA,
>   Rocky Smolin
>   Beach Access Software
>   858-259-4334
>   www.e-z-mrp.com
>   -- 
>   Rocky Smolin
>   Beach Access Software
>   858-259-4334
>   www.e-z-mrp.com
>   -- 
>   AccessD mailing list
>   AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
>   http://databaseadvisors.com/mailman/listinfo/accessd
>   Website: http://www.databaseadvisors.com

Rocky Smolin
Beach Access Software

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