martyconnelly at
Sun Nov 19 13:29:04 CST 2006
Carl Prothman has a site that provides ADO connection strings for a wide variety of databases and providers. Even though he has switched over to the dark side. If using a Workgroup (System Database) oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=c:\somepath\mydb.mdb;" & _ "Jet OLEDB:System Database=MySystem.mdw", _ "myUsername", "myPassword" Robert wrote: >What is the correct syntax when opening from within a FE/BE MS Access when >user security has been moved to a difference, non system, .mdw? > >This does not seem to do it.. > >"PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=CurrentProject.Path & >FEDBName;User Id=administrator; Password=adminpassword" > >Thanks > >Robert > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada