[AccessD] FW: [U] Soldier in Iraq needs Access Help

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Nov 19 23:58:40 CST 2006

On 19 Nov 2006 at 22:36, Dan Waters wrote:

> How about  
> LIKE "*IED*"  ----------  or more generically:  LIKE "*" & txtCriteria & "*"
> instead of
> LIKE "* IED *"  (leave out the spaces)

That will pick up anything from  died to antieducational ( and the hundreds of others at 
http://www.morewords.com/contains-by-length/ied/ <g>)

To find text containing IED as a word by itself you need something similar to 

LIKE "*[( "]IED[ ).,:;?]*"
LIKE "IED[ ).,:;?]*"
LIKE Chr$(13) & chr$(10) & "IED[ ).,:;?]*"

Actually it would probably be a lot easier to add a reference "Microsoft VBScript Regular Expresssion 5.x"
and build a function using a proper Regex to locate text blocks containing the desired targets.

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