[AccessD] Designing Reports Bogs Down

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Mon Nov 27 18:00:11 CST 2006

Try turning this off, Track name AutoCorrect
Tools >> Options >> General >>.Track name AutoCorrect info should be off.


Also report could be corrupt so use SaveAsText and LoadFromText to
save and rebuild report from text file.

Beach Access Software wrote:

>Dear List:
>My Access changed behavior today.  When I go onto design mode on a report
>(not of forms, though), and designing I do runs as slow as a stuck pig.
>So I popped up the task manager and it turns out that every time I move or
>copy a control the program spoolsv.exe sucks up 20-50% of the cycles for
>5-10 seconds.  
>I tried repair, but have not tried a complete reinstall.  This does not
>happen on machine number2.  Or 3.  Just this, which is (unfortunately) my
>primary development box at the moment.
>Anyone have a clue as to why this should start happening?

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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