David & Joanne Gould
dajomigo at tpg.com.au
Mon Oct 2 01:54:47 CDT 2006
Marty, Jim, and Michael Sorry for the long delay in replying. Between teaching commitments and then being sick, I haven't had a chance till now to read and act upon your replies. Thank you for all your suggestions, I have finally fixed the problem by deciding not to embed the images but by linking them. This was of course after fixing up the error you pointed out, Michael. This appears to have at least three advantages over my original plan: * Adding the image to the record is now much faster for the user. * The code I was having trouble with, of course, is much simpler. * The form appears to work on all machines. I have found that not all machines will allow consistent adding and editing of OLE images. So, once again, sorry for the delay and thank you all for your help with this problem. David