martyconnelly at
Wed Oct 18 15:31:22 CDT 2006
This works for me assuming file names are in this style of template "C:\Access files\Forms\Form_MySinging.txt I found an unfinished mda that does most of this. going both ways load and save, if you want a look see Lacks some error checking etc. Public Sub loadup() On Error GoTo Err_loadup Dim strTemp As String Dim strName As String Dim strDir As String strDir = "C:\Access files\Forms\" strTemp = Dir(strDir & "*.txt") Do Until strTemp = "" Debug.Print UCase(Left(strTemp, 4)) 'remove file name extension strName = Mid(strTemp, 1, InStrRev(strTemp, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1) Select Case UCase(Left(strTemp, 4)) Case "FORM" Debug.Print strTemp; strName ' 'remove file name prefix "Form_" Application.LoadFromText acForm, Mid(strName, InStr(1, strName, "_", vbTextCompare) + 1), strDir & strTemp Case "REPO" Application.LoadFromText acReport, "test", strDir & strTemp End Select strTemp = Dir Loop Exit_loadup: Exit Sub Err_loadup: MsgBox Err.Description, Err.Number Resume Exit_loadup Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Sub Martin Reid wrote: >Ok this has me beat > >No matter what I try I cant get it to loop through a folder and import the exported text files. Tried Martys stuff, Drews stuff and my own. Used file system object to return only the file name without the extension and no luck. > >Any help greatly appreciated. > >background > >Access database objects exported as text files into C\|Forms > >I think need to LoadFromText all the objects in said folder back into database. > >This cannot be as difficult as it seems. One at a time and naming the files it works. Only when I go to look through all the objects does it fail. This is almost my last example file I need and its melting my head. > > >Martin > > > >Martin WP Reid >Training and Assessment Unit >Riddle Hall >Belfast > >tel: 02890 974477 > > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ > >No virus found in this incoming message. >Checked by AVG Free Edition. >Version: 7.1.408 / Virus Database: 268.13.5/483 - Release Date: 18/10/2006 > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada