[AccessD] Load from test AGAIN

Martin Reid mwp.reid at qub.ac.uk
Thu Oct 19 14:41:34 CDT 2006

The idea was (following the layout of an MS Blog) to explain the save and load methods. Mostly to demonstrate the structure of the resulting text files. I wanted to do this because the New Access templates can be opened as a ZIP package allowing you to see the structure of the template in terms of its XML. Many of the XML files are structured in the same was as the SaveAsText files. I felt most Access developers would get the idea better if I coudl some them this was something with which they are already familar.
Now once I had written the save as routine I just felt I had to also include a good LoadFrom as well. It sort of all fitted together. I could find nothing in research that demostrated loading a whole set of files toggether. Everyoen seems to do this an object at a time. So I figured how hard is it. But there you go.
I am almost finished writing Professional Access 2007 for Apress. Only thing to do is to write up the example from the world chapter to which many people on the list have given me permission to reuse some of their postings from AccessD.
I hope this explains it. It really seemed a good idea at the time and I was so far into teh stuff and it supported so much of what else I had done that I had to get that code to work.
Best Wishes

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