[AccessD] Calculating Date/Time

Hollis, Virginia hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com
Wed Oct 25 13:39:30 CDT 2006

I have no idea how to call the function from a query.
Not sure of the first two, but the one way of calculating elapsed time
be something like (note no error checking) that could be called from a
Public Function Elapsed(ByVal strDate1 As String, ByVal strDate2 As
As String
Dim h As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim d As Long
Dim Mins As Long
    'get total # of minutes elapsed
    Mins = DateDiff("n", strDate1, strDate2)
    'get days
    d = Mins \ 1440 'integer division (# minutes in a day)
    'remove days from the total
    Mins = Mins - (d * 1440)
    'get hours
    h = Mins \ 60
    'remove minutes from total
    Mins = Mins - (h * 60)
    m = Mins
    Elapsed = d & " day(s), " & h & " hours, " & m & " minutes"
End Function


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