[AccessD] MS Access 2007 - where may one have a look atthe fulllist of the new objects, properties, methods, ...

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Oct 26 22:10:37 CDT 2006

On 26 Oct 2006 at 17:16, artful at rogers.com wrote:

> Something seems suspicious here, with all respect, Shamil. GUIDs are not
> autonumber, they are created by invoking the function NewID(). Perhaps that

In the Table designer, an Autonumber field has a field size property which 
can be either Long Integer or Replication ID ( another MS word for GUID). 

> is what you meant, but they are NOT autonumber, in the sense of sequential
> IDs. 

An autonumber doesn't have to be a *sequential* ID.
Long Integer Autonumbers have a  New Value property which can be set either 
to  Increment or Random . If they are Replication IDs (GUIDs) they are 
automatically random.

> To create a default GUID you should create a default equivalent to
> NewID(), but this is much different than a traditional Access autonumber.

I just select Autonumber as the Type and Replication ID as the field size 
in the Table design window.


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