[AccessD] Re: Limit Text in Field

Hollis, Virginia hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com
Tue Oct 31 08:45:10 CST 2006

Oh yea! I should change the wording on that to show as a field name, not
a file - (GstrFileName) was the wrong choice. But it really is a field
that I made as a memo but don't want them to type a book, but they need
more than the 255 for a txt field.


I tried the ' say your text field is text1, couldn't you put text1 =
left(text1,500) & it didn't like that - it gives a runtime error about
the BeforeUpdate can't save the record.


Also, Does anyone have something that shows how many characters have
been typed (it shows as they type)?


Sorry confused everyone on that one.




Also, aren't file names limited to about 280 characters?


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