Erwin Craps - IT Helps
Erwin.Craps at
Thu Sep 21 02:58:23 CDT 2006
I got a strange problem. I have an update routine that updates articles and prices in my webshop (SQL server) from my Access database (MDB 2003). Its a plain Update query that updates prices and descriptions that I first downloaded and processed from my supplier. This routine gets executed every night running Access 2K3 on my W2K server. Since a week or so, I get every morning a error 3163, "The field is too small to Accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data." It is posible that a new article has got a longer descriptiontext, so I'm trying to find where the problem is. And now the odd thing, when running the same database and query on my notebook computer the query runs fine without any error!!! So I don't understand why the same database(s), same query runs fine on my notebook computer and fails on my server. Erwin Craps Zaakvoerder Nieuwe internetwinkel op <> bezoek ook eens de website van mijn zus <> This E-mail is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and E-mail confirmation to the sender. IT Helps - I.T. Help Center *** Box Office Belgium & Luxembourg <> * <> * <> IT Helps bvba* ** Mercatorpad 3 ** 3000 Leuven IT Helps * Phone: +32 16 296 404 * Fax: +32 16 296 405 E-mail: Info at Box Office ** Fax: +32 16 296 406 ** Box Office E-mail: Staff at <mailto:figures at>