[AccessD] Combo default value strange

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Sep 13 16:16:20 CDT 2006

What are  the values of ColumnCount, ColumnWidths and BoundColumn ?
(actual values on the form, now what you think they should be <g>)

On 13 Sep 2006 at 10:02, JWColby wrote:

> I use a highly modified version of Julie Schwalm's date picker code.  I use
> a combo instead of the radio button group that she used and added a bunch of
> new possibilities.  The combo I use to select the date range I want has a
> row source type of "Value list" and a row source of:
> 1;Include All Dates;12;Custom Date Range;14;Current Week;2;Current
> Month;3;Current Quarter;4;Current Year;5;Month To Date;6;Quarter To
> Date;7;Year To Date;15;Last Week;8;Last Month;9;Last Quarter;10;Last
> Year;11;Last 12 Months;13;Today;16;Yesterday
> In my time tracking / billing database I want to open a time data entry form
> to filter to today.  If I put a default value of 1 in the combo (the
> "ordinal value" for "Include all dates"), I get the correct thing, "include
> all dates".  If I put 2 in there, I get "CURRENT WEEK", which is wrong, it
> should select "CURRENT MONTH".  IOW, the integer value should select the
> text immediately AFTER the integer value (in the value list string), but
> seems to be selecting the value immediately BEFORE the integer value.

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