martyconnelly at
Fri Sep 22 14:16:29 CDT 2006
I would be tempted to use an ActiveX 3'd party graphing solution, I find Excel Graph much like using an ExaSketch. I would use one like TeeChart. If the client isn't an engineer, the aesthetics of the graph will be important and multi-line graphs with labelling gets very tricky in Excel Maybe others can suggest other ActiveX's, this one is $359 for developers version. There maybe ones aimed specifically at Excel. I have heard of people using Tableau Software but then you are up to $1200. I am used to using DISSPLA on mainframes with Fortran. Tina Norris Fields wrote: >Hi All, > >Client is an oil and gas producer. Daily data of several kinds are >reported from the field on a daily basis. Client would like to be able >to see graphs showing, for instance, daily production for well A for a >selectable time range (the last month, this last week, this last >quarter, whatever) - he would also like to be able to see daily >production for two or three wells at a time on the same graph, or for >all the wells in a given oilfield (individually or as a total). > >Once a query is devised for selecting the date range, the specific >wells, or the complete oilfield (separately or in combination), I want >to export the selected data to Excel and draw the appropriate graphs. >And, I want to do all that fairly automatically. > >The client would like users to be able to tweak data in Excel for the >graph, if need be - as in to exclude outlying data points - but, of >course, not alter the actual data captured in the Access data table. >So, I am thinking of using a make-table query and sending the data from >the "made" table to Excel. Is this a good idea? > >Some of you have done some automation with Access and Excel, so I would >appreciate knowing what the pitfalls are that I need to be careful of. >I am thinking to build essentially template Excel files with already >configured graphs for the choices that are going to be offered to the >user - which well or wells, or which well-field, and for what date >range? Does this sound like a good idea? > >With great care, I believe I can code > >I really would like your creative and technical advice, here - so, all >ideas are welcome. > >Thanks, >Tina > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada