Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Tue Sep 26 07:48:12 CDT 2006
On 26 Sep 2006 at 13:59, pedro at wrote: > how can i search only for capitals in a query? > i need ER not er. You need to use strComp to do a binary comparison As a one off: SELECT myText FROM myTable WHERE StrComp("ER",Mid$([myText],InStr([myText],"ER"),2),0)=False; Here's a general function I've just knocked up (must stick this one in my toolbox <g>): Function ExactMatch(SearchStr As String, Matchstr As String) As Boolean ExactMatch = StrComp(Matchstr, Mid$(SearchStr, _ InStr(SearchStr, Matchstr), Len(Matchstr)), 0) = 0 End Function Now you can make your query: SELECT myText FROM myTable WHERE ExactMatch([mytext],"ER")=True -- Stuart