Martin Reid
mwp.reid at
Thu Sep 28 13:18:11 CDT 2006
Note I didnt prefix this OT as it isnt. Its part of Access 2007 Data Collection Via Email Given the following structure and data would it be easier to use VBA to create this or simply type up the XML in an editor. In fact would you use VBA at all? I could do this in 30 seconds in an XML editor. I havnt a clue where to start with the VBA side of this. In terms of Access this is dropped into a Memo field. <mapping> <formProperties> <automateDataCollection>true</automateDataCollection> <enableDataCollection>true</enableDataCollection> <maxReplies>25</maxReplies> <numReplies>0</numReplies> <allowMultipleReplies>true</allowMultipleReplies> <allowMultipleRows>true</allowMultipleRows> <onlyUpdates>false</onlyUpdates> <stopDateTime>0</stopDateTime> <onlySentTo>true</onlySentTo> </formProperties> <tables> <table name="table1" accessTable="Customers" collectionType="insert"> <iterate root="/AccessInfoPathForm/dcip:inlinedata/dcip:row"> <mapitem IsPrimaryKey="1" formNode="dcip:PrimaryKey" tableCell="ID"/> <mapitem formNode="table1:field1" tableCell="Company" caption="Company" readOnly="false" required="false" type="x:string"/> <mapitem formNode="table1:field2" tableCell="Last Name" caption="Last Name" readOnly="false" required="false" type="x:string"/> <mapitem formNode="table1:field3" tableCell="First Name" caption="First Name" readOnly="false" required="false" type="x:string"/> </iterate> </table> </tables> </mapping> Martin WP Reid Training and Assessment Unit Riddle Hall Belfast tel: 02890 974477