martyconnelly at
Fri Sep 29 20:31:35 CDT 2006
Here is one that supplies an access table on a monthly basis. To calculate distances using great circle method between lat long's. Shortest distance on a sphere. Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979 Const Circumference As Double = 40123.648 'kilometers Const MilesPerKilometer As Double = 0.6214 Sub test() Debug.Print Distance(32.815, -117.135866, 37.79333, -122.554722, True) End Sub Public Function Distance( _ ByVal Latitude1 As Double, _ ByVal Longitude1 As Double, _ ByVal Latitude2 As Double, _ ByVal Longitude2 As Double, _ Optional Miles As Boolean) As Double 'courtesy Lyle Fairfield 'assumes we are getting latitude-longitude 'as degrees with fractions expresed as decimals 'if minutes-seconds then use Sexagesimal function to convert Dim CosArc As Double Dim Arc As Double Latitude1 = Radians(Latitude1) Longitude1 = Radians(Longitude1) Latitude2 = Radians(Latitude2) Longitude2 = Radians(Longitude2) CosArc = (Sin(Latitude1) * Sin(Latitude2)) + _ (Cos(Latitude1) * Cos(Latitude2) * Cos(Longitude1 - Longitude2)) If Abs(CosArc) = 1 Then Arc = PI Else Arc = Atn(-CosArc / Sqr(-CosArc * CosArc + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1) End If Distance = Arc / PI / 2 * Circumference If Miles = True Then Distance = Distance * MilesPerKilometer Distance = Round(Distance, 2) End Function Private Function Radians(ByVal degrees As Double) As Double Radians = PI * degrees / 180 End Function Public Function SexagesimalToDecimal(ParamArray Sexagesimals()) As Double ' send this function degrees, minutes, seconds ' degrees as convenience; degrees will not be changed Dim z As Long For z = 0 To UBound(Sexagesimals()) - LBound(Sexagesimals()) SexagesimalToDecimal = SexagesimalToDecimal + Sexagesimals(z)/ 60 ^ (z) Next z End Function Sub testsex() Debug.Print Distance(SexagesimalToDecimal(39, 56, 58), SexagesimalToDecimal(-75, 9, 21), 35.667, 139.75) ' Philly to Tokyo 10916.89 km ' SanFrancisco to SanDiego 460.99 miles End Sub Steve Capistrant wrote: >Hello all, > >Sorry if this has been asked recently and I didn't pay attention. What options exist for programmatically inserting longitude and latitude values on an address record? I was told that Google had some way to return that information from their database, but can't seem to find it (perhaps if I paid for a business account). This is a task I'd do regularly (perhaps twice a month) as data gets uploaded from a local Access db into a website, where the website is coded to calculate distance between addresses. > >Ideally, it would be SO cool to due this by connecting to a website and looping through the recordset of an Address table. But another option I suppose is getting occasional downloads of a reference table, and use that as my lookup. > >Steve Capistrant >Symphony Information Services >scapistrant at > > > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada