[AccessD] searching into a union query...

Kostas Konstantinidis kost36 at otenet.gr
Sun Apr 1 12:55:42 CDT 2007

hey group,
I use the follown union

SELECT [Title], [Year], [IDdirector], [IDcomposer]
FROM [MT_basic_char]

UNION ALL SELECT [title_collection], [year_collection], 
[IDdirector_collection], [IDcomposer_collection]

because of about 15000 records what I need to know is if there is a [Title] 
either in MT_basic_char or in RT_AM_COLLECTION
I was wondering if it could be possible to make a button, when clicking to 
get back a searching form on that Union Query
something like the default msaccess's

    DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 10, , acMenuVer70

but on that specific Union Query

many thank's

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