[AccessD] Suppress System Dialog when closing DataSheet Form

pcs at azizaz.com pcs at azizaz.com
Mon Apr 9 23:50:51 CDT 2007


I need help with the following:

I am opening a form called frmDisplay in design mode from 
code that has opened an ado recordset

frmDisplay has 100 text controls named 

that's all... no code behind form

After opening the Form I set the name of the textcontrols to 
the name of the fields in the ado recordset;
next I set the recordsource of the now named textcontrols to 
the fields in the ado recordset;
then I set the recordset of frmDisplay to the ado recordset;
and I open the Form is Datasheet mode....

So far so good....I can see the ado recordset as a 'table', 
resizing columns etc. .... any unused textcontrols are still 
named TextControl(n) .... all is good!

My problem comes when I am closing frmDisplay using the 
datasheet's close control.

I want to suppress the Access System prompt:

"The Form has been changed etc. do you want to save the 
changes?" Yes(default)  - No - Cancel

The User should just be able to close the Form .....

I've tried to cancel the closing of the Form on the UnLoad 
event - in order to gain programmatic control of the close 
process, but the system prompt has already kicked in by 
then....  If I set warnings to False, I get rid of the 
system prompt, but since Yes is the default - the Form is 
closed with all design changes saved!! not good!!

Any suggestion??


The User sh 

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