[AccessD] Automatic import of tables, forms, rpts, mods

Janet Erbach jerbach.access at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 11:22:22 CDT 2007


Does anyone have some tips for me on how to create an automated import
module for my database?  I've created some custom functions for it that are
stored in a separate database from the main one, and everytime we upgrade I
have to re-import the relevant tables, forms, rpts, etc. to each workstation
where the application is installed.  I've linked tables into the back-end
database where appropriate, and those are re-linked automatically by the
main application itself.   But all my other custom objects are currently
imported 'by hand'.

Today I created an 'import specs' table which contains the name of each
object I want to import automatically;  it also specifies the object type
(form, table, rpt, etc).  Is there some straightforward way to loop through
each record in this table, delete the existing object if one with that name
already exists in that workstation's app, and then import the most current
one from the database that storehouses all the customizations?

I did a cursory search for a utility that might handle this for me, but
haven't found one thus far...

Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Janet Erbach

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