[AccessD] Using the recordset of a list control

philippe pons phpons at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 12:40:11 CDT 2007

I say scan because I missed the verb you use to indicate you are "walking
through" the collection of rows of a recordset. I do something like that
    ' if the recorset does'nt exist, get out!
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Do While Not Me.lstListe.Recordset.EOF
        sngTotPourc = sngTotPourc + Left(Me.lstListe.Recordset.Fields(2),
Len(Me.lstListe.Recordset.Fields(2)) - 1) / 100
        curTotMontantsPre = curTotMontantsPre + Me.lstListe.Recordset.Fields
I have to check the existence of the recordset, because sometimes, although
the list is there on the form, it  does not exist, giving then an error!

2007/8/22, philippe pons <phpons at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I have a form with a list control.
> The list displays quantities and amount.
> Under the list, I have some text box that should display the total of
> these quantities and amount.
> What I do is to use the recordset of the list, to scan each of the record
> and do the sum I need.
> The problem is that this recordset does'nt seem to be reliable.
> Sometimes it does'nt exist anymore, sometimes it has 250 rows instead of
> just 5 to 10.
> The calcultaion is ok only the first time i do it, and then it's not!
> Did you already get into these kinds of troubles?
> What am I doing wroung?
> TIA,
> Philippe

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