Hollis, Virginia
hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com
Mon Feb 5 13:58:45 CST 2007
I know you guys are probably getting tired of hearing from me lately. It has been several years since I have done this & my mind leaks...... On a report I need to show the date of the next inspection in red & bold (got that part). My problem is that they only care about the month & year due, not the day. How do I get it to pick out the month & year from today's date? So if the report is run for February and the next inspection date is 2/10/2007, it would show in bold & red on the report. If the next inspection date is 11/3/2007. It would be regular font. If Format$([DateNextSAI], "mmm yyyy", 0, 0) = Date Then