Gustav Brock
Gustav at
Fri Feb 2 08:26:30 CST 2007
Hi Virginia Modify it like this: Desc: ("COMMENTS: "+[Comments] + Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & ("REMARKS: "+[Remarks] + Chr(13) & Chr(10)) & ("INV COMMENTS: "+ [InvComments]) /gustav >>> hollisvj at 02-02-2007 15:15:01 >>> I am using the below in a query to join 3 field into one. Each field is designated by the description. My problem is I need to check for null fields. The way I have it now, if Comments are null and Remarks has text in it, it leaves a line & starts Remarks in the middle of the field. I need an Iff Null somewhere. Ex: COMMENTS: this is the comments REMARKS: remarks go here INV COMMENTS: Other comments What it is doing: REMARKS: remarks go here INV COMMENTS: Other comments Desc: ("COMMENTS: "+[Comments]) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "REMARKS: "+[Remarks]) & (Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "INV COMMENTS: "+[InvComments]) Virginia