[AccessD] Dates As Criteria

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 13 15:22:42 CST 2007

Hello All,

In A2K I ahve a form that has 2 unbound date fields...have input masks and 
formats as SHORT DATE...I have a query that uses these fields as criteria in 
a BETWEEN statement.  The field in the table is a general date.  I'm using 2 
records to check...if I set the startdate and enddate on the form to the 
dates that are in the db...they return..but if I use ofther dates...nothing 
comes back.  Example:

EndDate: 2/13/2007

2 records:

Using the above "between startdate and enddate" I return 1 record?
If I change the startdate to 2/9/2007 then I return both
IF I use 2/6 and2/17 as the start and end...I return NOTHING...

Anyone...please help...I'm sure I've done something silly...but this just 
doesn't make sense???


Mark A. Matte

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