jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Feb 21 22:02:50 CST 2007
Shamil, >And you could have bound your report to this stored procedure or UDF - on open this report would have requested from/to dates in parameters input dialog. Well, when I say "report" that means something a little different here. My client feeds data to mainframes. They give me a table of specs which looks briefly like: Field name Data Type Default Value Format Field width Required Field 1 Char Some Val 9 Yes Field 2 Num Some Val2 000.00 10 No Field 3 Field 4 . . . Etc. I then have to pull the data out into queries, and somehow get them out into fixed width text files, named according to their naming spec etc. In order to do this I use (what else) classes. I import their table into a report field spec table (with a few fields of my own to make my life easier). I then built a class to hold each field spec record plus code to manipulate the data as required by their specs. Apply the correct formatting, determine if the field has to be there or not, replace nulls with default values if any, etc. The Field Spec class is responsible for all formatting of a given field and handing back a fully formatted string, regardless of whether the data is a date (YYYYMMDD? MMDDYYYY? MMYYYY?), currency (00000.00?, 00000^00 - decimal shifted out), string (width? Pad left / right? Pad char?). Each field class is responsible for error reporting should any error occur in formatting, padding etc. since the field class "knows" what the format should be, width of the final string should be etc. I build a report spec table which holds the query required to pull the data, the name / path of the destination file and some other stuff. In the end I have a system where I load a Report Spec supervisor class and that class loads the field spec classes, loads the data, processes each field of each data record through each field class, assembles the strings returned by the field classes into a big string, and then uses text streams to write the files out to disk. The Report spec class is responsible for error reporting at the record level - errors from field classes, no data, etc., with errors logged to files on the hard disk for attachment to email to the person who can fix the problem. These files can and often but not always do have header information which goes in the same file, which may or may not be the same width as the detail data, and can have trailer info (usually sums and counts) which are also appended into the same file. Thus a "report" will be at the very least a detail section, but may / may not have a header and / or footer. Processed the way I do, the header and footer becomes just another set of field specs in the Field Spec Table. The Report Spec will have one to three records in it, one for a header if any, one for the detail (they all have a detail) and one for the footer if any. Thus a method of my report spec class is called passing the PKID of the detail spec record in the Report Spec table and it takes over and loads header and footer report spec classes as necessary. Each Report spec class instance loads it's own data (has it's own query) and processes it's data according to it's set of field spec records, and writes the data to the file under the supervision of the detail Report Spec class (the "overall" supervisor for the report). I did not do it this way originally, in fact I originally hard coded everything in the queries - format, conversion of nulls, padding etc. What I discovered is that it was a MAJOR PITA to adjust a report as I had to go find the right place in the right query. Done the way I do it now, it is all "formatted" by entries in my field spec table. If I need to change the width of a field, I just look up the field in the Field Spec Table and change it. Same for format, data type, default value etc. It works really well in fact once I got the classes working. I can literally tweak a report in minutes and rerun. One might wonder why such tweaking would be necessary if it was for a mainframe import, and the answer of course is that the info I get from the mainframe people is always sketchy - leading or trailing padding, spaces or zeros for padding, and I have to submit a file for testing, then tweak, resubmit, tweak until they say it is OK. And of course, it all has to be adjusted on MY END. By building this into a table, I just change my PadDir column from (L)eading to (T)railing and it pads the other way, change the PAdChar from 0 to ' ' and it changes from a zero to a space (or anything else they can think up). I use VB format strings where possible but sometimes I just have to brute force it. So we (my client) selects filter data using combos and date text boxes, and pushes a button and a report is built and placed on disk, in a specific location, with a specific name (and a dated name for our internal tracking). I can and do sometimes attach these reports to email or FTP them if that is necessary. So these are not "reports" in the Access sense. I now have reports going to 3 different companies, unknown number of different mainframes, all using the same report generator system. They give me a field spec "table", I import (or type) that in to my report / field spec table pair, build queries to pull the data and plug that query name into the report spec table and push the button. Tweak the query, then the field spec records, send, tweak, send. After that it just runs. In fact one issue that this whole class system handles very nicely is "missing data" since it can just run the reports without writing the files to disk, then see if any error reports are generated and if so email them to the examiners. They can go correct the data errors. We can rerun until it is right, then send. All in all a royal PITA but that is after all why they pay us the big bucks, right? And then came the client that wanted it in an Excel spreadsheet. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com -----Original Message----- From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Shamil Salakhetdinov Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 4:00 PM To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving' Subject: Re: [AccessD] Feeding parameters to SQL Server Hello John, Let's suppose you use NorthWind sample database and you have to calculate total Freight for a Shipper given from/to dates. I assume you do not use ADPs - if you have used them then you could have created - a stored procedure: ===================== CREATE PROCEDURE usp_TotalFreightStats (@fromDate datetime, @toDate datetime ) AS BEGIN select ShipName, Sum(Freight) as FreightTotal from Orders where Orders.OrderDate between @fromDate and @toDate Group by ShipName END - or a UDF =========== CREATE FUNCTION TotalFreightStats (@fromDate datetime, @toDate datetime ) RETURNS @TotalFreightStatsTable TABLE ( ShipperName nvarchar(80), TotalFreight money ) AS BEGIN declare @fromDate1 dateTime declare @toDate1 dateTime INSERT @TotalFreightStatsTable select ShipName, Sum(Freight) as FreightTotal from Orders where Orders.OrderDate between @fromDate and @toDate Group by ShipName RETURN END And you could have bound your report to this stored procedure or UDF - on open this report would have requested from/to dates in parameters input dialog. I assume you use mdb and then you can: - create table to keep parameters ================================== CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ParametersForUDFs] ( [fromDate] [datetime] NULL , [toDate] [datetime] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO - populate this table with parameters' values (clear in first) ============================================================= delete from ParametersForUDFs insert into ParametersForUDFs (fromDate, toDate) values ('1996-07-04', '1996-07-12') - create UDF ============ CREATE FUNCTION TotalFreightStats1 ( ) RETURNS @TotalFreightStatsTable TABLE ( ShipperName nvarchar(80), TotalFreight money ) AS BEGIN INSERT @TotalFreightStatsTable select ShipName, Sum(Freight) as FreightTotal from Orders where Orders.OrderDate between (select top 1 fromDate from ParametersForUDFs) and (select top 1 toDate from ParametersForUDFs) Group by ShipName RETURN END - use UDF in view ================== CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_TotalFreightStats1 AS SELECT ShipperName, TotalFreight FROM dbo.TotalFreightStats1() TotalFreightStats1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - link view to MS Access mdb ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Of course that approach will not work well in multi-user environment if different users will need different from/to dates... -- Shamil