Webadmin - Tenbus
spike at tenbus.co.uk
Mon Jan 1 06:49:17 CST 2007
Following on from the recent discussion about sharing useful lists of stuff, and indeed the new facility to view the dba web site in non-english, I wonder if anyone would like to help me compile a list of Country Codes. I'm working on an address database and it seemed to me that it would be useful to use the ISO 3166 two letter code. The source data that I'm working from comes from the ISO web site <http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/iso3166ma/02iso-3166-code-lists/index.html> and so far I've created a lookup table in English and French. I've uploaded csv, Excel and Open Office formated spreadsheets to my web server <http://tenbus.co.uk/iso3166/> if anyone's interested. I would appreciate if anyone had the time to add translations into any other languages. Best regards and Happy 2007 to all! Chris Foote BTW - When completed, I would like to upload this list to the DBA Reference Lists area <http://www.databaseadvisors.com/reference/referencelists.asp>