jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 6 11:21:16 CST 2007
This is the class text described in part 1. The following is the log file class. It is a work in progress, but any additions you need, you can add. Option Compare Database Option Explicit '. '.========================================================================= '.Copyright : cColby Consulting 2000. All rights reserved. '.E-mail : jcolby at ColbyConsulting.com '.========================================================================= ' DO NOT DELETE THE COMMENTS ABOVE. All other comments in this module ' may be deleted from production code, but lines above must remain. '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- '.Written By : John W. Colby '.Date Created : 05/29/2002 '.Rev. History : '.Comments : '.------------------------------------------------------------------------- '. ' ADDITIONAL NOTES: ' ' BEHAVIORS: ' '*+ Class constant declaration Private Const DebugPrint As Boolean = False Private Const mcstrModuleName As String = "clsLogFile" '*- Class constant declaration '*+ Class variables declarations 'THE STRING INSTANCE NAME IS BUILT UP FROM THE MODULE NAME AND 'A RANDOM INT Private mname As String '*- Class variables declarations '*+ custom constants declaration '*- custom constants declaration '*+ custom variables declarations Private mFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject Private mTS As Scripting.TextStream Private mstrFileName As String Private mstrFileExt As String Private mstrFilePath As String Private mstrFileSpec As String Private mstrDteFmt As String Private mstrDte As String Private mstrTimeFmt As String Private mstrTime As String '*- custom variables declarations '*+ Private Init/Terminate interface Private Sub Class_Initialize() Randomize mname = strModuleName & ":" & Random(999999, 0) 'Make a random name for ourself Set mFSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() On Error Resume Next Term Set mobjChildren = Nothing Set mobjParent = Nothing Set mFSO = Nothing mTS.Close Set mTS = Nothing End Sub '*- Private Init/Terminate interface '*+ Public Init/Terminate interface Public Function Init(ByRef robjParent As Object, _ strFilePath As String, strFileName As String, strFileExt As String, _ Optional strDteFmt As String = "", Optional strTimeFmt As String = "") As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_Init mstrFilePath = strFilePath mstrFileName = strFileName mstrFileExt = strFileExt mstrDteFmt = strDteFmt mstrTimeFmt = strTimeFmt ' 'Now that we have stored the file spec pieces, create a file spec mFmtFileSpec Exit_Init: Exit Function Err_Init: MsgBox err.Description, , "Error in Function clsLWS.Init" Resume Exit_Init Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function 'CLEAN UP ALL OF THE CLASS POINTERS Public Sub Term() On Error Resume Next End Sub '*- Public Init/Terminate interface 'get the name of this class / module Property Get strModuleName() As String strModuleName = mcstrModuleName End Property 'get the pointer to this object's instance name Public Property Get name() As String name = mname End Property '*+ Parent/Child links interface Property Get pFileName() As String pFileName = mstrFileName End Property Property Let pFileName(strFileName As String) mstrFileName = strFileName End Property Property Get pFileExt() As String pFileExt = mstrFileExt End Property Property Let pFileExt(strFileExt As String) mstrFileExt = strFileExt End Property Property Get pFilePath() As String pFilePath = mstrFilePath End Property Property Let pFilePath(strFilePath As String) mstrFilePath = strFilePath End Property Property Get pFileSpec() As String pFileSpec = mstrFileSpec End Property Property Get pFSO() As Scripting.FileSystemObject Set pFSO = mFSO End Property Property Get pTS() As Scripting.TextStream Set pTS = mTS End Property '*- Parent/Child links interface '*+ Withevents interface '*- Withevents interface '*+ Private class functions '*- Private class functions '*+ Public class functions ' 'This function creates the time string portion of the file spec at the instant this function is called ' Private Function mFmtTime() As String On Error GoTo Err_mFmtTime If Len(mstrTimeFmt) Then mstrTime = Format(Time(), mstrTimeFmt) End If mFmtTime = mstrTime Exit_mFmtTime: Exit Function Err_mFmtTime: MsgBox err.Description, , "Error in Function clsLogFile.mFmtTime" Resume Exit_mFmtTime Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'This function creates the date string portion of the file spec at the instant this function is called ' Private Function mFmtDte() As String On Error GoTo Err_mFmtDte If Len(mstrDteFmt) Then mstrDte = Format(date, mstrDteFmt) End If mFmtDte = mstrDte Exit_mFmtDte: Exit Function Err_mFmtDte: MsgBox err.Description, , "Error in Function clsLogFile.mFmtDte" Resume Exit_mFmtDte Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'This function creates the file spec string ' Function mFmtFileSpec() As String mstrFileSpec = mstrFilePath & mstrFileName If Len(mstrDteFmt) Then mstrFileSpec = mstrFileSpec & "-" & mFmtDte End If If Len(mstrTimeFmt) Then mstrFileSpec = mstrFileSpec & "-" & mFmtTime End If mstrFileSpec = mstrFileSpec & "." & mstrFileExt End Function Public Function mFSGetWrite() Set mTS = mFSO.CreateTextFile(mstrFileSpec) End Function Public Function mFSGetRead() Set mTS = mFSO.OpenTextFile(mstrFileSpec) End Function Public Function mFSClose() mTS.Close End Function '*- Public class functions John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com