jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 6 11:19:52 CST 2007
I thought you guys might appreciate seeing how I do this. I need to log things to text files all of the time for exporting data out to clients. I am writing processes (classes) where I export data to fixed width files. The export process is table driven and allows taking a specification from the client that says what fields are expected, how long each field is, how they are padded (left / right), with what characters (space, zeros etc), date formats and so forth. That export process (class system) performs an export using a query that I build to get the data ready for export. The end result of that class system is a sequence of text strings that are the export data. Now a common task is that these export systems need to write the data out to disk. Another common task is that the export process needs to log any errors that it encounters. Given that this is a repetitive task I decided to create a class that my export process classes could instantiate and then use. It uses the Windows File System Object, so if you work under a notwork Nazi who has locked down your systems, you can pretty much stop reading now, or... you might want to replicate this using the methods for file manipulations built in to Access. I like the FSO and use it where possible. This log class is designed to be instantiated, then left open to write (or read) to a text file. In the Init() I pass in the pieces of the file name, the path, the file name, the extension. I like to date / time stamp my files in the file name so that I can write the same type of file out to a common directory and be able to see right in the file name the date and time that the file was written. So I also allow passing in a date format string and a time format string. If you are going to only do this once a week and don't care about the time, then only pass in the date format. If you are going to do this several times in a day, then also pass in a time format. The init function builds up a file spec which is the fully pathed location of the file. ATM it does not attempt to create the directory path to get there, although eventually it will do that, so that if the path does not exist it will attempt to build the path (directory structure). The log class has methods for recomputing the file spec, for example if the time has changed. There are a couple of simple methods for getting a read or write text stream. There are also properties for reading and writing the file spec pieces individually if desired. And finally there are two properties to allow getting a pointer to the file system object, and the text stream object. Using the pointer to the text stream object, you can then directly write to the log file. Since the class holds the text stream open until the class unloads or you intentionally close it, you can load this class and just start writing to the text file. Close when you are done. This class is an example of wrapping another object in order to extend that object's functionality with your own. As you know VBA does not directly allow inheritance, however by using wrapper classes like this you can crudely emulate inheritance. I add functionality to the text stream object here. To use the class you need to dim and instantiate the log class: dim clsMyLog as clsLogFile set clsMyLog = new clsLogFile clsMyLog.Init(mclsLog.Init "C:\Dev\DISNEW\", "Test", "LOG", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") Now you are ready to write to the file. Until such time as you unload the class instance you can write to the text stream. clsMyLog.pTS.WriteLine "test" clsMyLog gets a pointer to the log file class, pTS gets a pointer to the open text stream, .Writeline calls the method of the textstream, and "test" is written to the file. The file name will look something like Test-20070106-105937.LOG and will be located in the path C:\Dev\DISNEW\. Throw this class out in your library, expose it, and use it as needed. BTW, for those of you who follow the concept of a framework, I have a framework object which is itself a class. I have now built a new method of the framework object that can initialize these log files and hold them in a collection. Given that my apps all use the framework, syntax becomes: cfw.log("MyLogName").Init("C:\Dev\DISNEW\", "Test", "LOG", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") cfw.log("MyLogName").Log "Write some test text" cfw.log("MyLogName").Term 'closes the log file and unloads it from the framework collection Notice that this syntax looks strikingly similar to the syntax you would use to work with any other object such as the database object, the form object etc. My framework is just an object, with methods and properties. The first line causes the framework (cfw) to create an instance of the log class, initialize it with the filespec information, and store a pointer to the log class instance in a collection for future use. The second line uses a previously initialized log class instance to write text. The last line unloads the class from memory and the collection of log files available for use. Doing things "the framework way" allows me to create a ton of log files as required. For example: ' 'From inside of the ULLICO export process class I call the framework and set up two log files. ' cfw.log("ULLICOExport-Error").Init(C:\Dev\DISNEW\Export\ULLICO\", "ULLICO-Error", "ERR", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") cfw.log("ULLICOExport-Data").Init(C:\Dev\DISNEW\Export\ULLICO\", "ULLICO-Data", "DAT", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") ' 'From inside of the HV Export class I call the framework and set up two log classes. ' cfw.log("HVExport-Error").Init(C:\Dev\DISNEW\Export\HV\", "HV-Error", "ERR", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") cfw.log("HVExport-Data").Init(C:\Dev\DISNEW\Export\HV\", "HV-Data", "DAT", "YYYYMMDD", "HHMMSS") Now I have two different processes (a ULLICO export process and a HV export process), each using two log files. The Error log file is used to log any processing errors that the export process runs into. The Data log file is the actual data file that is being assembled by the export process. BTW, It took me almost as long to write this email as it did to write the log class and hook it into my framework. Classes are simple to write and use once you understand them. A framework magnifies the effectiveness of service classes such as this log class enormously, making them dead simple to set up, use and tear down. That's how I do it. Class text to follow. The message was too long to get by all in one piece. John W. Colby Colby Consulting www.ColbyConsulting.com